You are too kind. Thank you very much
You certainly work very hard on your blog and it is looking very good indeed.
As this was passed on to you, and then on the many others and myself, I would like to pass it on too.
But to whom? I shall wait and see for a couple of days who picks it up from you, and then make a decision.
I have decided to pass this on to one of the best blogs I have ever seen. Her cake making and decorating skills are way up there. 10/10
Keep up the brilliant work Cakebrain.
Come and collect, and do pass it on please.
You deserve this Sal, your blog is looking great :)
Blushing now. xxx
I agree with both of you! Well done:):):) 'Nuff said;)
You do have a cute blog! Great work! btw, thanks for visiting mine!
aw shucks, Sally
thank you so much for thinking of me! I shall pass the award on too as soon as I get back from my vacation next week! that castle cake took a lot out of me! whew!
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